
Recently I came across a discussion of an article about the rates of maternal mortality in the USA. There was an opinion there that the United States are far from being a developed country on this index. Since the Gapminder data were an option for the data investigation project, I decided to explore the sutiation myself using the world data on maternal mortality ratio.

The following questions were posed and explored in the project:

  1. How did maternal mortality in the world changed over time?
  2. How do the changes differ depending on countries and their regional and economic characteristics?
  3. What other factors may have impact on a country's maternal mortality ratio?

Maternal mortality ratio is the number of maternal deaths divided by the number of live births in a given year, multiplied by 100,000. Maternal death is defined as the death of a women while pregnant or within the 42 days after termination of that pregnancy, regardless of the length and site of the pregnancy, from a cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy.

The data available included observations of maternal mortality ratio in 187 countries in 1800-2013. Since for most countries there is information only for specific years during 1980-2013, the exploratory analysis was limited to these years. The data were investigated from time perspective and also in geographical and economical context. Also other parameters of health economy and population were added to determine possible correlations in the trends.

Data Wrangling

The data on maternal mortality were obtained from, section Data/Health/Maternal health, as a .csv file [1]. Regional information was also downloaded in .csv format [2]. The classification of income groups for the corresponding years was obtained from the World Bank website as xls. and then truncated and converted to .csv in spreadsheet software [3].

General Properties

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

% matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Data source:
# See section: Data/Health/Maternal health/Maternal Mortality

mm_data = pd.read_csv('maternal_mortality_ratio_per_100000_live_births.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 187 entries, 0 to 186
Columns: 215 entries, country to 2013
dtypes: float64(36), int64(178), object(1)
memory usage: 314.2+ KB
In [3]:
country 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 ... 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
0 Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 730 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 400.0
1 Albania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 24 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 21.0
2 Algeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 100 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 89.0
3 Andorra 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN
4 Angola 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 750 0 0 0 0 530 0 0 460.0
5 Antigua and Barbuda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NaN
6 Argentina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 70 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 69.0
7 Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 37 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 29.0
8 Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 6 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 6.0
9 Austria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4.0
10 Azerbaijan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 36 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 26.0
11 Bahamas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 40 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 37.0
12 Bahrain 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 16 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 22.0
13 Bangladesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 260 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 170.0
14 Barbados 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 33 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 52.0

15 rows × 215 columns

As can be seen from the example of the data above, for many years there are no observations for most countries (zeros aren't meaningful and come from missing data). We can get more detailed information on each year, counting unique values in each column to find out how many other values beside zero are in the column.

In [4]:
# detemine for which years there are observations available for most of the countries
pd.options.display.max_rows = 250
country    187
1800         3
1801         3
1802         3
1803         3
1804         3
1805         3
1806         3
1807         2
1808         3
1809         3
1810         3
1811         3
1812         3
1813         3
1814         2
1815         3
1816         3
1817         3
1818         2
1819         3
1820         3
1821         3
1822         3
1823         3
1824         3
1825         3
1826         3
1827         3
1828         3
1829         3
1830         3
1831         3
1832         3
1833         3
1834         3
1835         3
1836         3
1837         3
1838         3
1839         3
1840         3
1841         3
1842         3
1843         3
1844         3
1845         3
1846         3
1847         4
1848         4
1849         4
1850         4
1851         5
1852         4
1853         4
1854         4
1855         5
1856         4
1857         4
1858         5
1859         4
1860         4
1861         4
1862         4
1863         4
1864         5
1865         5
1866         5
1867         5
1868         5
1869         5
1870         5
1871         5
1872         4
1873         4
1874         5
1875         6
1876         5
1877         5
1878         6
1879         5
1880         5
1881         4
1882         5
1883         6
1884         5
1885         6
1886         5
1887         5
1888         6
1889         5
1890         5
1891         5
1892         5
1893         6
1894         5
1895         7
1896         5
1897         5
1898         6
1899         4
1900         7
1901         8
1902         8
1903        10
1904         8
1905         9
1906        10
1907        10
1908        10
1909        10
1910        10
1911        10
1912         9
1913        10
1914         9
1915         9
1916         9
1917         9
1918         9
1919         9
1920        10
1921        11
1922        11
1923        10
1924        11
1925        11
1926        11
1927        11
1928        11
1929        11
1930        11
1931        11
1932        11
1933        12
1934        12
1935        13
1936        12
1937        12
1938        12
1939        12
1940        12
1941        10
1942        10
1943        10
1944        10
1945        10
1946        11
1947        12
1948        11
1949        11
1950        12
1951        12
1952        13
1953        12
1954        13
1955        13
1956        13
1957        13
1958        13
1959        13
1960        13
1961        13
1962        13
1963        13
1964        13
1965        13
1966        13
1967        13
1968        13
1969        13
1970        14
1971        14
1972        13
1973        13
1974        14
1975        13
1976        14
1977        14
1978        14
1979        14
1980       167
1981         1
1982         1
1983         1
1984         1
1985         1
1986         1
1987         1
1988         1
1989         1
1990       110
1991         1
1992         1
1993         1
1994         1
1995       108
1996         1
1997         1
1998         1
1999         1
2000       104
2001         1
2002         1
2003         1
2004         1
2005       108
2006         1
2007         1
2008         1
2009         1
2010       104
2011         1
2012         1
2013       103
dtype: int64

The missing data for years earlier than 1980 limits the possibility of analysing data from deep historical perspective. However, for the last three decades there is enough data for global estimates and comparisons. The pattern in data since 1980 allows to assume that starting from that year a standardized procedure was inplemented for regular data gathering.

Still it may be informative to take a look at the dynamics of the oldest data available. For this purpose we can use the list of the countries that have records starting from the beginning of the XXth century.

In [5]:
mm_data[mm_data['1900'] > 0][['country', '1900']]
country 1900
16 Belgium 535
58 Finland 495
155 Sri Lanka 1720
161 Sweden 188
177 United Kingdom 474
178 United States 850
In [6]:
countries_1900 = list(mm_data[mm_data['1900'] > 0]['country'])
plot= mm_data[mm_data['country'].isin(countries_1900)
    figsize = (15, 8), title='Maternal mortality in countries with oldest records', marker='.')
plot.set(xlabel="Years", ylabel="Maternal mortality ratio, per 100 000 live births")

For most years available Sri Lanka demonstrated much higher values than other countries which are European except for United States. The ratios in the USA are also higher than in Europe representatives in 1900-1935, but to a lesser extent. However, around 1940-1950 a noticeable downward trend started for all six countries. Nevertheless, to inverstigate global tendencies, a greater number of countries is necessary. The data set contains the list of 187 countries, it seems reasonable to limit the number of observation per year to at least 100.

In [7]:
enough_data = mm_data.nunique() > 100
enough_data[enough_data == True]
country    True
1980       True
1990       True
1995       True
2000       True
2005       True
2010       True
2013       True
dtype: bool
In [8]:
# determining countries with no data
(mm_data == 0).astype(int).sum(axis=1)
0      207
1      207
2      207
3      211
4      207
5      211
6      207
7      207
8      129
9      207
10     207
11     207
12     207
13     207
14     207
15     207
16      97
17     207
18     207
19     207
20     207
21     207
22     207
23     207
24     207
25     207
26     207
27     207
28     207
29     207
30     207
31     207
32     207
33     207
34     207
35     207
36     207
37     207
38     207
39     207
40     207
41     207
42     207
43     207
44     207
45     207
46     177
47     207
48     211
49     207
50     207
51     207
52     207
53     207
54     207
55     207
56     207
57     207
58      32
59     207
60     207
61     207
62     207
63     179
64     207
65     207
66     207
67     207
68     207
69     207
70     207
71     207
72     207
73     207
74     207
75     207
76     207
77     207
78     207
79     125
80     207
81     207
82     207
83     174
84     207
85     207
86     207
87     208
88     207
89     207
90     207
91     207
92     207
93     207
94     207
95     207
96     207
97     207
98     207
99     207
100    207
101    165
102    207
103    207
104    207
105    211
106    207
107    207
108    207
109    207
110    207
111    207
112    207
113    207
114    207
115    207
116    207
117    207
118    126
119    207
120    207
121    207
122    207
123    207
124    207
125    207
126    207
127    207
128    207
129    207
130    207
131    207
132    207
133    207
134    207
135    207
136    207
137    207
138    207
139    207
140    207
141    207
142    207
143    207
144    211
145    207
146    207
147    207
148    207
149    207
150    207
151    207
152    207
153    208
154    207
155    127
156    207
157    207
158    207
159    207
160    207
161     27
162    207
163    207
164    207
165    207
166    207
167    207
168    207
169    207
170    207
171    207
172    207
173    207
174    207
175    207
176    207
177     74
178    127
179    207
180    207
181    207
182    207
183    207
184    207
185    207
186    207
dtype: int64

Many countries only have data for 7 years of 214 included in the data set. That gives us a limit of 207 "zero years" per row to determine the countries that have missing values for the years where most countries have observations. If the limit is exceeded the country has missing data for any the years chosen for the study.

In [9]:
no_data_countries = (mm_data == 0).astype(int).sum(axis=1) > 207
ndc_index = list((no_data_countries[no_data_countries == True]).index)
mm_data.iloc[ndc_index, [0]]
3 Andorra
5 Antigua and Barbuda
48 Dominica
87 Kiribati
105 Marshall Islands
144 Seychelles
153 South Sudan

For 7 countries included in the source file there is no information provided for most years, the same can be easily observed on Gapminder. Also there are only several years containing observations for almost all countries. Therefore the data set can be limited to the following seven years: 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2013, which still can properly represent historical dynamics in recent decades.

Data Preparation

For further exploration we need to subset the data to the list of the years stated above. Also since zeros originated from missing data in the source file, it is reasonable to drop zeros as NAs both for years and countries. That also results in type conversion for integer variables.

In [10]:
# columns to keep
# this list will also be used further for years as col_list[1:]
col_list = list(enough_data[enough_data == True].index)

mat_mort_100k_lbirths = mm_data[col_list]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 187 entries, 0 to 186
Data columns (total 8 columns):
country    187 non-null object
1980       187 non-null float64
1990       187 non-null float64
1995       187 non-null int64
2000       187 non-null float64
2005       187 non-null int64
2010       187 non-null int64
2013       182 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 11.8+ KB
In [11]:
#handling missing values

mat_mort_100k_lbirths = mat_mort_100k_lbirths.replace(0,
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 187 entries, 0 to 186
Data columns (total 8 columns):
country    187 non-null object
1980       180 non-null float64
1990       187 non-null float64
1995       182 non-null float64
2000       187 non-null float64
2005       182 non-null float64
2010       182 non-null float64
2013       182 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(7), object(1)
memory usage: 11.8+ KB
In [12]:
mat_mort = mat_mort_100k_lbirths.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013
count 180.000000 180.000000 180.000000 180.000000 180.000000 180.000000 180.000000
mean 362.328333 335.472222 302.094444 260.722222 215.272222 180.094444 162.794444
std 418.619707 447.389891 416.882359 357.611163 289.273118 239.007064 216.428132
min 5.800000 6.000000 2.000000 4.000000 2.000000 2.000000 1.000000
25% 49.700000 31.000000 25.000000 24.000000 17.750000 17.500000 14.750000
50% 169.500000 96.500000 89.000000 80.500000 69.500000 69.500000 64.000000
75% 592.250000 550.000000 487.500000 400.000000 322.500000 252.500000 232.500000
max 2120.000000 2300.000000 2400.000000 2200.000000 1600.000000 1200.000000 1100.000000

As can be seen from the summary statistics, the range of maternal mortality ratios narrowed from [5.8, 2120] in 1980 to [1, 1100] in 2013. The mean tends to be closer to the maximum, while the median - much closer to the minimum, which means that the distrubution is positively skewed. IQR has also descreased by 324.8, moving leftward at the same time. By visualising the changes of global averages we can see that while the mean decreased gradually over time, the median dropped most significantly in 1980-1990.

In [13]:
plot = mat_mort.median().plot(title='Maternal Mortality: Global Median')
plot.set(xlabel="Years", ylabel="Maternal mortality ratio")
In [14]:
plot = mat_mort.mean().plot(title='Maternal Mortality: Global Average')
plot.set(xlabel="Years", ylabel="Maternal mortality ratio")

Extending the data set: region variables

The trends for global mean and median look inspiring - the world definitely seems to becoming a safer place for giving birth. The spread and other statistics of the maternal mortality ratio have decreased during the period in question, most of them - quite noticeably. However, world average indices are not very informative. More insights can be obtained from data structured by geographical or economical parameters. Gapminder provides several options of regional divisions in its geographical data.

In [15]:
#data source:
regions = pd.read_csv('list-of-countries-etc.csv')
array(['geo', 'name', 'four_regions', 'eight_regions', 'six_regions',
       'members_oecd_g77', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'UN member since',
       'World bank region', 'World bank income group 2017'], dtype=object)

The file contains several variables which won't be used in further analysis, these variable can be omitted. Also strings representing factor variables need to be converted to categorical type. After that both dataframes can be merged together on country names. 'geo' column is left for merging with income groups data.

In [16]:
# subsetting regional variables
cols_to_keep = ['geo', 'name', 'four_regions', 'eight_regions', 'six_regions',]

regions = regions[cols_to_keep]

# turning string variables into factors
cols_to_factor = ['four_regions', 'eight_regions', 'six_regions']

for column in cols_to_factor:
    regions[column] = regions[column].astype('category')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 197 entries, 0 to 196
Data columns (total 5 columns):
geo              197 non-null object
name             197 non-null object
four_regions     197 non-null category
eight_regions    197 non-null category
six_regions      197 non-null category
dtypes: category(3), object(2)
memory usage: 4.5+ KB
In [17]:
#merging region info with maternal mortality data
mat_mort_regions = pd.merge(mat_mort, regions, how = 'left', left_on = 'country', right_on = 'name')
mat_mort_regions = mat_mort_regions.drop('name', axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 180 entries, 0 to 179
Data columns (total 12 columns):
country          180 non-null object
1980             180 non-null float64
1990             180 non-null float64
1995             180 non-null float64
2000             180 non-null float64
2005             180 non-null float64
2010             180 non-null float64
2013             180 non-null float64
geo              180 non-null object
four_regions     180 non-null category
eight_regions    180 non-null category
six_regions      180 non-null category
dtypes: category(3), float64(7), object(2)
memory usage: 15.4+ KB

Extending the data set: income variables

The World bank data on income groups on Gapminder include the classification for 2017 only, so the data for the earlier years were obtained from the World Bank website directly as .xsl file. The data available started from 1984, so for the purpose of this project the corresponding years were subset starting from 1990.

Country classifications are determined by World Bank once a year and based on estimates of gross national income (GNI) per capita for the previous year. The classification tables include all World Bank members, plus all other economies with populations of more than 30,000. [4]

In [18]:
#adding income data
wb_income = pd.read_csv('WB_income.csv')
code country 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013
0 AFG Afghanistan L L L L L L
1 ALB Albania LM L LM LM UM UM
3 ASM American Samoa UM UM UM UM UM UM
4 AND Andorra H H H H H H
5 AGO Angola LM L L LM LM UM
6 ATG Antigua and Barbuda UM UM UM H UM H
7 ARG Argentina LM UM UM UM UM UM
8 ARM Armenia .. L L LM LM LM
9 ABW Aruba H H H H H H

Missing data in the file are represented by ".." and need to be replaced by NaN values. The names of countries may differ from those in Gapminder data, so 'code' column will be used for merging and 'country' column may be excluded.

In [19]:
wb_income = wb_income.replace("..",
wb_income = wb_income.drop(['country'], axis=1)
code 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013

The data represent the classification of income groups encoded with first letters:

H - High income
UM - Upper middle income
LM - Lower middle income
L - Low income

To estimate the change in countries' economic situations we can convert these group names to numeric ranks. This also will allow us to get a country's average performance during the period in question.

In [20]:
#setting numeric ranks
def income_to_rank(value):
    The fuction returns numeric ranks for World bank income group labels
    val_dict = {"L": 1, "LM": 2, "UM": 3, "H": 4}
    if value is not
        return val_dict[value]
        return value

years = ['1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010', '2013']
for year in years:
    col_name = year + '_inc_rank' 
    wb_income[col_name] = wb_income[year].map(income_to_rank)

#getting average rank for 1990-2013
wb_income['avg_inc_rank'] = wb_income.iloc[:, 7:13].mean(axis=1)    
code 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 1990_inc_rank 1995_inc_rank 2000_inc_rank 2005_inc_rank 2010_inc_rank 2013_inc_rank avg_inc_rank
0 AFG L L L L L L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.000000
1 ALB LM L LM LM UM UM 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.166667
2 DZA LM LM LM LM UM UM 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.333333
3 ASM UM UM UM UM UM UM 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.000000
4 AND H H H H H H 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.000000
In [21]:
#getting change in ranking during 1990-2013
for year in years[1:]:
    col_name = year + '_rank_change'
    if year == '2013':
        prev_year = str(int(year) - 3)
        prev_year = str(int(year) - 5)
    wb_income[col_name] = wb_income[(year + '_inc_rank')] - wb_income[(prev_year + '_inc_rank')]

wb_income['rank_change_sum'] = wb_income.iloc[:, 14:19].sum(axis=1)
code 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 1990_inc_rank 1995_inc_rank 2000_inc_rank 2005_inc_rank 2010_inc_rank 2013_inc_rank avg_inc_rank 1995_rank_change 2000_rank_change 2005_rank_change 2010_rank_change 2013_rank_change rank_change_sum
0 AFG L L L L L L 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 ALB LM L LM LM UM UM 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.166667 -1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
2 DZA LM LM LM LM UM UM 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.333333 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
3 ASM UM UM UM UM UM UM 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 AND H H H H H H 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In [22]:
#excluding auxiliary columns
wb_income = wb_income.drop(["1990_inc_rank", "1995_inc_rank", "2000_inc_rank", 
                            "2005_inc_rank", "2010_inc_rank", "2013_inc_rank",
                            "1995_rank_change", "2000_rank_change", 
                            "2005_rank_change", "2010_rank_change", "2013_rank_change"], axis=1)
code 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
0 AFG L L L L L L 1.000000 0.0
1 ALB LM L LM LM UM UM 2.166667 1.0
2 DZA LM LM LM LM UM UM 2.333333 1.0
3 ASM UM UM UM UM UM UM 3.000000 0.0
4 AND H H H H H H 4.000000 0.0
In [23]:
# converting income group labels for readability
wb_income[years] = wb_income[years].replace('L', 'Low income')
wb_income[years] = wb_income[years].replace('LM', 'Lower middle income')
wb_income[years] = wb_income[years].replace('UM','Upper middle income')
wb_income[years] = wb_income[years].replace('H', 'High income')

for year in years:
    wb_income[year] = wb_income[year].astype('category')

#converting geocodes to lowercase for merging
wb_income['code'] = wb_income['code'].str.lower()

code 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
0 afg Low income Low income Low income Low income Low income Low income 1.000000 0.0
1 alb Lower middle income Low income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income 2.166667 1.0
2 dza Lower middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income 2.333333 1.0
3 asm Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income 3.000000 0.0
4 and High income High income High income High income High income High income 4.000000 0.0
In [24]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 218 entries, 0 to 217
Data columns (total 9 columns):
code               218 non-null object
1990               175 non-null category
1995               203 non-null category
2000               205 non-null category
2005               206 non-null category
2010               215 non-null category
2013               215 non-null category
avg_inc_rank       216 non-null float64
rank_change_sum    214 non-null float64
dtypes: category(6), float64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 7.6+ KB
In [25]:
mat_mort_regions = pd.merge(mat_mort_regions, wb_income, how = 'left', left_on = 'geo', right_on = 'code', suffixes=('', '_income'))
mat_mort_regions = mat_mort_regions.drop(['geo', 'code'], axis=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 180 entries, 0 to 179
Data columns (total 19 columns):
country            180 non-null object
1980               180 non-null float64
1990               180 non-null float64
1995               180 non-null float64
2000               180 non-null float64
2005               180 non-null float64
2010               180 non-null float64
2013               180 non-null float64
four_regions       180 non-null category
eight_regions      180 non-null category
six_regions        180 non-null category
1990_income        153 non-null category
1995_income        177 non-null category
2000_income        177 non-null category
2005_income        178 non-null category
2010_income        180 non-null category
2013_income        180 non-null category
avg_inc_rank       180 non-null float64
rank_change_sum    180 non-null float64
dtypes: category(9), float64(9), object(1)
memory usage: 18.9+ KB
In [26]:
# getting the list of countries having missing data in income classification for 1990
", ".join(list(mat_mort_regions[pd.isnull(mat_mort_regions['1990_income'])]['country'].sort_values()))
'Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Eritrea, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, FYR, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Moldova, Montenegro, Palestine, Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan'

The prepared data frame contains data on country names, maternal mortality ratio for each country in a list of year (1980, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013), three option of regional classifications, income classifications for the corresponding years, excluding 1980, average income ranks and change in income rank in 1990-2013. The income missing data of 1990 refer mostly to countries which at that time were part of other states, like the USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, which should be taken into account during exploratory analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis

With the data cleaned and prepared for further investigation we can now take a closer look at maternal mortality dynamics in the world and its regions.

In [27]:
# world distribution
years = ['1980'] + years

plot = mat_mort_regions[years].boxplot(figsize = (10, 6))
plot.set(xlabel = 'Years', ylabel='Maternal mortality ratio in countries', title = 'Maternal mortality in the world')

During 1980-2013 years maternal mortality in the world has decreased significantly. The distribution of observations became narrower and more concentrated below 100 cases per 100000 live births.

In [28]:
def plot_many_hists(years, data, figsize = (9, 8)):
    The function takes in a list of years, a dataframe with these years 
    and (optional) a tuple with the dimensions of the plot and shows 
    the plot with several distributions on it
    plt.figure(figsize = figsize)
    for year in years:
        plt.hist(data[year], edgecolor='black', 
                 range=(0,2500), bins = 2500//50, alpha=0.5, label=year)
    plt.title('Maternal Mortality Across The World')
    plt.xlabel('Maternal mortality ratio')
    plt.ylabel('Number of countries')
    plt.legend(loc='upper right')

decades = ['1980', '1990', '2000']

plot_many_hists(decades, mat_mort_regions, (10, 8))
In [29]:
xxi = ['2000', '2013']

plot_many_hists(xxi, mat_mort_regions, (10, 8))
In [30]:
mat_mort_stats = mat_mort_regions[years].describe()
mat_mort_stats = mat_mort_stats.T
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
1980 180.0 362.328333 418.619707 5.8 49.70 169.5 592.25 2120.0
1990 180.0 335.472222 447.389891 6.0 31.00 96.5 550.00 2300.0
1995 180.0 302.094444 416.882359 2.0 25.00 89.0 487.50 2400.0
2000 180.0 260.722222 357.611163 4.0 24.00 80.5 400.00 2200.0
2005 180.0 215.272222 289.273118 2.0 17.75 69.5 322.50 1600.0
2010 180.0 180.094444 239.007064 2.0 17.50 69.5 252.50 1200.0
2013 180.0 162.794444 216.428132 1.0 14.75 64.0 232.50 1100.0
In [31]:
mm_diff = (mat_mort_regions.describe()['2013'] - mat_mort_regions.describe()['1980'])/mat_mort_regions.describe()['1980']
mm_diff.loc[['min', 'max', 'mean', '25%', '50%', '75%']]
min    -0.827586
max    -0.481132
mean   -0.550699
25%    -0.703219
50%    -0.622419
75%    -0.607429
dtype: float64

The mean mortality ratio over the world dropped from 362.3 in 1980 to 162.8 in 2013 (or by 55.1%). The median decreased from 169.5 in 1980 to 64 in 2013 (by 62.2%, mostly during 1980-1990). The mean was decreasing gradually during the whole period in question, while the median dropped most significantly in 1980-1990. This can be observed on the following chart.

In [32]:
plot = mat_mort_stats[['mean', '25%', '50%', '75%']].plot.line(title = "Summary Statistics of Maternal Mortality Over Time")
plot.set(xlabel = 'Years', ylabel = 'Maternal mortality ratio');
In [33]:
def below_world_avg_in_year(year, data):
    Returns world average for the year and the number and proportion of the countries 
    who had maternal mortality ratio below the world average in a given year
    year = str(year)
    world_avg = data[year].mean()
    above_avg = data[year] < world_avg
    n_countries = above_avg.sum()
    proportion = above_avg.mean()
    return (year, round(world_avg, 2), n_countries, round(proportion, 2))

for year in col_list[1:]:
    print(below_world_avg_in_year(year, mat_mort_regions))
('1980', 362.32999999999998, 113, 0.63)
('1990', 335.47000000000003, 121, 0.67000000000000004)
('1995', 302.08999999999997, 122, 0.68000000000000005)
('2000', 260.72000000000003, 121, 0.67000000000000004)
('2005', 215.27000000000001, 120, 0.67000000000000004)
('2010', 180.09, 122, 0.68000000000000005)
('2013', 162.78999999999999, 122, 0.68000000000000005)
In [34]:
print('year', '>1k', '<100')
for year in col_list[1:]:
          round(mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions[year] > 1000]['country'].count()*100/mat_mort_regions['country'].count(), 2),
          round(mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions[year] < 100]['country'].count()*100/mat_mort_regions['country'].count(), 2))
year >1k <100
1980 10.0 37.78
1990 11.11 51.67
1995 7.78 54.44
2000 4.44 55.0
2005 2.22 57.78
2010 1.11 58.89
2013 0.56 60.0

The share of countries having maternal mortality ratios lower than world average remained at 67-68% in 1990-2013, and was only several percent lower in 1980 (63%). Meanwhile the number of countries with maternal mortality ratio lower than 100 increased from 37.8% in 1980 to 60% in 2013.

The following countries were on the top and bottom positions during the years in question:

In [35]:
for year in col_list[1:]:
    print('Maximum:', mat_mort_regions.iloc[mat_mort_regions[year].idxmax()][['country', year]])
    print('Minimum:', mat_mort_regions.iloc[mat_mort_regions[year].idxmin()][['country', year]])
Maximum: country    Bhutan
1980         2120
Name: 17, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Sweden
1980          5.8
Name: 154, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
1990               2300
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Canada
1990            6
Name: 28, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
1995               2400
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Greece
1995            2
Name: 62, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
2000               2200
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Italy
2000           4
Name: 78, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
2005               1600
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Ireland
2005             2
Name: 76, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
2010               1200
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Belarus
2010             2
Name: 13, dtype: object

Maximum: country    Sierra Leone
2013               1100
Name: 139, dtype: object
Minimum: country    Belarus
2013             1
Name: 13, dtype: object

In [36]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Sierra Leone']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
139 Sierra Leone 1240.0 2300.0 2400.0 2200.0 1600.0 1200.0 1100.0 africa africa_sub_saharan sub_saharan_africa Low income Low income Low income Low income Low income Low income 1.0 0.0
In [37]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Bhutan']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
17 Bhutan 2120.0 900.0 610.0 390.0 240.0 140.0 120.0 asia asia_west south_asia Low income Low income Low income Low income Lower middle income Lower middle income 1.333333 1.0
In [38]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Sweden']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
154 Sweden 5.8 6.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 europe europe_west europe_central_asia High income High income High income High income High income High income 4.0 0.0
In [39]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Canada']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
28 Canada 7.5 6.0 7.0 7.0 11.0 13.0 11.0 americas america_north america High income High income High income High income High income High income 4.0 0.0
In [40]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Greece']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
62 Greece 17.8 6.0 2.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 europe europe_west europe_central_asia Upper middle income Upper middle income High income High income High income High income 3.666667 1.0
In [41]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Italy']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
78 Italy 13.8 10.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 europe europe_west europe_central_asia High income High income High income High income High income High income 4.0 0.0
In [42]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Ireland']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
76 Ireland 10.6 6.0 4.0 6.0 2.0 10.0 9.0 europe europe_west europe_central_asia High income High income High income High income High income High income 4.0 0.0
In [43]:
mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['country'] == 'Belarus']
country 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 four_regions eight_regions six_regions 1990_income 1995_income 2000_income 2005_income 2010_income 2013_income avg_inc_rank rank_change_sum
13 Belarus 29.6 37.0 29.0 32.0 21.0 2.0 1.0 europe europe_east europe_central_asia NaN Lower middle income Lower middle income Lower middle income Upper middle income Upper middle income 2.4 1.0

The lowest ratios during 1980-2013 were observed in European countries. The highest ratio in 1980 was seen in Bhutan, but the country followed the world trend of decreasing maternal mortality during the following decades (alongside the improvement of its income ranking position). The new "leader" - Sierra Leone - emerged in 1990, and demonstrated quite different dynamics - with even more increase in 1995 (the peak corresponds to the years of the civil war in the country [5] ). Sierra Leone was able to return to the level of 1980 only in 2010, getting back to the global trend after 2000.

Tendencies in country groups

Income groups

The divisions into income groups is based on the classifications reported annualy by the World Bank [3]. Of these data only the years corresponding to those in maternal mortality data set were used. In exploratory analisys of maternal mortality from the perspective of a country's economic position the following questions may be considered:

  1. How did the countries progress depending on their ranks in the beginning of the period in question?
  2. Does the improvement in economic positions correspond to the decrease of maternal mortality ratios?

Since the data on income group for 1980 are unavailable, the earliest year to consider is 1990. The sublots define four different patterns depending on the income groups.

In [44]:
# distributions in different income groups

def make_box_plot(df, group, x_lab, y_lab, fig_size = (10,11)):
    The function returns a set of labeled subplots for specific groups of a variable in a dataframe
    sub_df = df.drop(['avg_inc_rank', 'rank_change_sum'], axis=1)
    plots = sub_df.groupby(group).boxplot(figsize = fig_size)
    for plot in plots:
        plot.set(xlabel = x_lab, ylabel = y_lab)
make_box_plot(mat_mort_regions, '1990_income', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio')
In [45]:
mat_mort_regions.groupby('1990_income')['1980', '2010'].describe()
1980 2010
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
High income 29.0 26.248276 34.298913 5.8 8.60 12.4 19.6 148.0 29.0 10.103448 7.875572 3.0 5.00 7.0 12.0 38.0
Low income 51.0 791.017647 414.181622 91.9 507.50 699.0 1060.0 2120.0 51.0 424.843137 272.623871 32.0 220.00 410.0 540.0 1200.0
Lower middle income 54.0 319.079630 277.838984 22.1 122.50 215.5 492.5 1310.0 54.0 143.777778 169.456363 4.0 47.25 82.0 137.5 750.0
Upper middle income 19.0 122.084211 95.354416 17.8 50.05 124.0 161.5 403.0 19.0 61.526316 66.027241 5.0 15.50 24.0 82.5 260.0
In [46]:
def get_change(group, data, year_1, year_2):
    The function returns the change of mean and median in percentage 
    for two given years, data split into categories of the group
    year_1 = str(year_1)
    year_2 = str(year_2)
    group_year1 = data.groupby(group).describe()[year_1]
    group_year2 = data.groupby(group).describe()[year_2]
    change = (group_year2 - group_year1)*100/group_year1
    return change[['mean', '50%']]
In [47]:
# change in maternal mortality ratio in 2013 in comparison with 1980
get_change('1990_income', mat_mort_regions, 1980, 2013)
mean 50%
High income -64.923805 -51.612903
Low income -51.425193 -48.497854
Lower middle income -59.066296 -62.180974
Upper middle income -53.354027 -78.225806

As we can see from the plots and summary statistics, in high income countries the distribution of maternal mortality ratios was and remained quite narrow and close to 0. The number of outliers has decreased over time. In upper middle income group the range of the distribution fell below 500 in 1980 and mostly got down 250 by 2013. In lower middle income group the range narrowed dramatically (from about 950 to 250 for its upper limit), still the number of outliers is pretty noticeable. In low income group the distribution is the widest for each year. Though it tends to become narrower, the decrease is rather gradual. This group also had the lowest decrease in mean and median of maternal mortality ratio distribution than other income groups.

However, the trends described above doesn't include the countries, which didn't have a separate income rank in 1990. We can plot them separately.

In [48]:
              '1995_income', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio')

The most of the countries in this group in 1990 were parts of the unions, that were listed by World Bank in upper middle income group [3]. Thus, though they underwent some economic difficulties, the ratios of maternal mortality in the countries which in 1995 were classified as of lower middle income, are much lower than in other countries in this group across the world.

In [49]:
#grouping by income classification of 2013
make_box_plot(mat_mort_regions, '2013_income', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio')

If we group the countries by their income rank in the end of the period, we can see that the countries in higher income groups are demostrating the behavior of lower income groups from the plot based on groups of 1990. Here are two examples.

In [50]:
row = mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['2013_income'] == 'High income']['1990'].idxmax()
country              Equatorial Guinea
1980                               663
1990                              1600
1995                              1300
2000                               790
2005                               480
2010                               330
2013                               290
four_regions                    africa
eight_regions       africa_sub_saharan
six_regions         sub_saharan_africa
1990_income                 Low income
1995_income                 Low income
2000_income        Lower middle income
2005_income        Upper middle income
2010_income                High income
2013_income                High income
avg_inc_rank                       2.5
rank_change_sum                      3
Name: 50, dtype: object
In [51]:
row = mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['2013_income'] == 'Upper middle income']['1990'].idxmax()
country                         Angola
1980                              1310
1990                              1400
1995                              1400
2000                              1100
2005                               750
2010                               530
2013                               460
four_regions                    africa
eight_regions       africa_sub_saharan
six_regions         sub_saharan_africa
1990_income        Lower middle income
1995_income                 Low income
2000_income                 Low income
2005_income        Lower middle income
2010_income        Lower middle income
2013_income        Upper middle income
avg_inc_rank                   1.83333
rank_change_sum                      1
Name: 3, dtype: object

Of all countries in the data set 97 kept their income category over 1980-2013 (or changed it and then returned back to it), 69 countries improved their position by transitioning into the next income group, 11 countries went two ranks up, while 2 countries went 1 rank down. Angola is the leader in speed going 3 ranks higher - from low into high income country, also going from peak of maternal mortality in 1990 (1600) to 290 in 2013.

In [52]:
 0.0    97
 1.0    69
 2.0    11
-1.0     2
 3.0     1
Name: rank_change_sum, dtype: int64

Plotting average income rank against maternal mortality ratios in 2013, which can be considered a result of development through the whole period, we can see, that those countries whose position in ranking went higher also had lower maternal mortality ratios than countries which had a stable position in higher rank.

In [53]:
mat_mort_regions.plot.scatter(x='avg_inc_rank', y='2013', 
                              c = 'rank_change_sum', cmap = 'viridis', figsize = (12,6), sharex=False
                             ).set(xlabel = 'Average income rank in 1990-2013', 
                                   ylabel = 'Maternal mortality ratio in 2013', 
                                   title = 'Average income rank vs Maternal mortality ratio');

The correlation between average income rank and maternal mortality ratio appears to be strong and negative, though the relationship is non-linear and the Pearson correlation coefficient increases if logarithmic scale is used.

In [54]:
In [55]:
In [56]:
mat_mort_regions['avg_inc_rank'].corr(mat_mort_regions['2013'], method='kendall')
Region groups

From the geographical perspective the lowest rates in 1980-2013 were demonstrated by the countries in Europe, the highest - in Africa. The greatest decrease of the range of the distribution can be seen in Asia, while in Americas the changes during this period were less pronounced and in percentage close to dynamics in Africa, though in absolute numbers Africa made the greatest progress (see summary statistics below).

In [57]:
# distributions in geographical regions
make_box_plot(mat_mort_regions, 'four_regions', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio')
In [58]:
mat_mort_regions.groupby('four_regions')['1980', '2013'].describe()
1980 2013
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
africa 52.0 692.038462 323.279152 122.0 493.000 619.50 897.250 1490.0 52.0 413.865385 244.533492 15.0 270.00 400.0 552.50 1100.0
americas 32.0 171.906250 199.842741 7.5 78.175 125.50 177.500 1120.0 32.0 88.531250 74.090609 11.0 43.25 80.0 102.50 380.0
asia 52.0 424.923077 505.752975 8.6 77.000 179.50 608.250 2120.0 52.0 85.634615 87.132090 2.0 25.25 49.5 122.50 400.0
europe 44.0 37.184091 44.907678 5.8 13.525 21.45 37.575 251.0 44.0 11.272727 8.903523 1.0 5.00 8.0 13.25 41.0
In [59]:
get_change('four_regions', mat_mort_regions, 1980, 2013)
mean 50%
africa -40.196187 -35.431800
americas -48.500273 -36.254980
asia -79.847031 -72.423398
europe -69.684005 -62.703963

However, four regions give us a rather broad view. If we consider more specific groups, some regional differences can be seen from the charts.

In [60]:
make_box_plot(mat_mort_regions, 'six_regions', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio', (10,15))
In [61]:
make_box_plot(mat_mort_regions, 'eight_regions', 'Years', 'Maternal mortality ratio', (12,15))

The ratios in East European countries were higher than in West European countries, but in both regions the distributions lie closer to 0 than in any other region, having their measures of center below 15 in the East and below 10 in the West in 2013 with about 70% decrease of the means from 1980.
Both West Asia and East Asia demonstrated the decrease of maternal mortality ratios, going from the mean of about 425 for both regions in 1980 to 95 and 79 respectively in 2013. North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa show quite different trends in 1980-2013: while in North Africa the distribution moved down 500 after 1980, below 250 in 2000 with further decrease of ratios, Sub-Saharan Africa went through increase of maternal mortality in 1990-2000 in comparison with 1980 getting back the 1980th levels in 2000. After that the decrease continued but still the overall scale of indexes is incomparable with other regions. The distributions in North America and South America over years looks similar except for outliers. The ratios looks average in comparison with other regions, the percentage decrease in average ratios about 45-52%.

In [62]:
mat_mort_regions.groupby('eight_regions').describe()[['1980', '2013']]
1980 2013
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
africa_north 6.0 405.333333 187.281250 148.0 308.500 374.00 549.750 641.0 6.0 90.833333 77.566531 15.0 45.25 67.5 112.25 230.0
africa_sub_saharan 46.0 729.434783 319.620584 122.0 519.000 642.00 958.000 1490.0 46.0 456.000000 226.655980 53.0 320.00 415.0 560.00 1100.0
america_north 20.0 163.925000 232.321064 7.5 76.725 122.00 165.750 1120.0 20.0 80.000000 78.405156 11.0 37.75 60.5 88.75 380.0
america_south 12.0 185.208333 137.894871 54.9 78.775 162.00 229.000 547.0 12.0 102.750000 67.075432 14.0 69.00 88.0 115.00 250.0
asia_west 27.0 424.229630 553.921412 8.6 74.400 135.00 712.000 2120.0 27.0 79.370370 95.234588 2.0 19.00 44.0 97.50 400.0
east_asia_pacific 25.0 425.672000 459.506549 8.6 115.000 336.00 509.000 1780.0 25.0 92.400000 78.840028 6.0 27.00 68.0 130.00 270.0
europe_east 24.0 50.866667 50.689444 7.2 26.675 35.40 58.300 251.0 24.0 15.291667 10.259584 1.0 7.00 13.0 21.50 41.0
europe_west 20.0 20.765000 30.553306 5.8 9.325 13.25 19.375 148.0 20.0 6.450000 2.665076 3.0 4.00 6.0 8.25 12.0
In [63]:
change_8 = get_change('eight_regions', mat_mort_regions, 1980, 2013).sort_values(by=['mean'])
mean 50%
asia_west -81.290706 -67.407407
east_asia_pacific -78.293146 -79.761905
africa_north -77.590461 -81.951872
europe_east -69.937746 -63.276836
europe_west -68.938117 -54.716981
america_north -51.197194 -50.409836
america_south -44.521935 -45.679012
africa_sub_saharan -37.485844 -35.358255

The highest decrease in means can be observed in West and East Asia, followed by North Africa, in medians - in North Africa, followed by Asia.

In [64]:
plot =
plot.set(xlabel = 'Regions', ylabel = 'Change');

We can also combine the region and income variables to see if there are any difference in trends for countries of the same income group but located in different regions and vice versa.

In [65]:
#medians in regional income groups
df_income_eight = mat_mort_regions.iloc[:, 0:17].groupby(['2013_income', 'eight_regions']).median()
df_income_eight['n_countries'] = mat_mort_regions.groupby(['2013_income', 

1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013 n_countries
2013_income eight_regions
High income africa_north NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
africa_sub_saharan 663.00 1600.0 1300.0 790.0 480.0 330.0 290.0 1.0
america_north 68.10 43.0 38.0 42.0 33.0 38.0 37.0 5.0
america_south 62.60 48.5 37.0 32.0 29.0 23.5 18.0 2.0
asia_west 52.00 16.0 13.0 11.0 8.0 12.0 11.0 7.0
east_asia_pacific 18.75 16.0 11.5 15.5 11.0 9.0 7.0 6.0
europe_east 30.50 15.0 13.0 12.0 14.0 8.0 11.0 9.0
europe_west 13.25 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.0 20.0
Low income africa_north NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
africa_sub_saharan 765.50 1050.0 960.0 845.0 695.0 540.0 475.0 26.0
america_north 1120.00 670.0 580.0 510.0 470.0 420.0 380.0 1.0
america_south NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
asia_west 1097.50 670.0 510.0 385.0 285.0 210.0 180.0 4.0
east_asia_pacific 499.00 580.0 470.0 360.0 260.0 200.0 170.0 3.0
europe_east NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
europe_west NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Lower middle income africa_north 601.00 310.0 240.0 200.0 160.0 130.0 120.0 3.0
africa_sub_saharan 607.00 670.0 630.0 570.0 470.0 390.0 360.0 13.0
america_north 181.50 220.0 180.0 145.0 125.0 115.0 110.0 4.0
america_south 216.00 210.0 230.0 240.0 240.0 230.0 200.0 3.0
asia_west 251.00 130.0 120.0 100.0 92.0 79.0 75.0 9.0
east_asia_pacific 509.00 170.0 140.0 130.0 130.0 120.0 120.0 11.0
europe_east 41.75 49.5 55.0 41.0 31.0 36.0 26.0 4.0
europe_west NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Upper middle income africa_north 294.00 91.0 81.0 65.0 55.0 48.0 46.0 3.0
africa_sub_saharan 400.00 340.0 310.0 300.0 275.0 185.0 155.0 6.0
america_north 122.00 69.0 66.0 71.0 61.0 53.5 47.0 10.0
america_south 149.00 100.0 98.0 120.0 97.0 90.0 87.0 7.0
asia_west 124.00 86.0 79.0 71.0 57.0 40.0 31.0 7.0
east_asia_pacific 165.00 71.0 76.0 63.0 50.0 36.0 32.0 5.0
europe_east 57.70 24.0 23.0 28.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 11.0
europe_west NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

From the table above we can see some example of such comparisons for income groups of 2013. Thus the high income countries in North America tend to have higher median maternal mortality ratios than upper middle income countries of West Europe. Sub-Saharan Africa's pattern of high ratios can be seen in all income groups, expect the fact that in upper middle income group the median didn't went up in 1990, as can be seen on the following plots.

In [66]:
income_groups = list(mat_mort_regions['2013_income'].cat.categories)
for group in income_groups:
    group_regional_medians = mat_mort_regions[mat_mort_regions['2013_income'] 
                 == group].iloc[:, 0:17].groupby('eight_regions').median()
    plot = group_regional_medians.T.plot.line(figsize = (8, 6), title = group + " in 2013, medians")
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Years', ylabel = 'Maternal mortality ratio')
    plot.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5))

Exploring factors of maternal mortality

Since the economy and geography are the characteristics that can only be considered to influence maternal mortality indirectly, we can explore other variables that may have more direct impact on maternal mortality ratios in different countries. Some of them refer to the demographical parameters, like total fertility rate or median age, some - to the healthcare economics, like government share of health spendings or total health spendings, or to the healthcare system - like number of births attended by skilled health staff.

The information was obtained on in the following sections:

  • Data/Population/Median age
  • Data/Health/Newborn & Infants/Babies per woman
  • Data/Health/Health economics
In [67]:
#Loading and preparing data to follow the time period of the maternal mortality data, cleaning missing data
attended_births = pd.read_csv('births_attended_by_skilled_health_staff_percent_of_total.csv')
attended_births = attended_births.replace(0,
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 187 entries, 0 to 186
Data columns (total 35 columns):
country    187 non-null object
1984       2 non-null float64
1985       1 non-null float64
1986       11 non-null float64
1987       17 non-null float64
1988       8 non-null float64
1989       32 non-null float64
1990       55 non-null float64
1991       47 non-null float64
1992       52 non-null float64
1993       55 non-null float64
1994       54 non-null float64
1995       77 non-null float64
1996       65 non-null float64
1997       68 non-null float64
1998       82 non-null float64
1999       79 non-null float64
2000       136 non-null float64
2001       81 non-null float64
2002       93 non-null float64
2003       101 non-null float64
2004       99 non-null float64
2005       101 non-null float64
2006       121 non-null float64
2007       104 non-null float64
2008       100 non-null float64
2009       99 non-null float64
2010       112 non-null float64
2011       97 non-null float64
2012       97 non-null float64
2013       88 non-null float64
2014       89 non-null float64
2015       33 non-null float64
2016       14 non-null float64
2017       1 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(34), object(1)
memory usage: 51.2+ KB
In [68]:
#no data before 1984

attended_births[['country', '1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010']].info()

#little data for 1990 and 1995
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 187 entries, 0 to 186
Data columns (total 6 columns):
country    187 non-null object
1990       55 non-null float64
1995       77 non-null float64
2000       136 non-null float64
2005       101 non-null float64
2010       112 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5), object(1)
memory usage: 8.8+ KB
In [69]:
total_health_spending = pd.read_csv('total_health_spending_per_person_us.csv')
total_health_spending = total_health_spending.replace(0,

# no data before 1995
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 188 entries, 0 to 187
Data columns (total 17 columns):
country    188 non-null object
1995       185 non-null float64
1996       186 non-null float64
1997       186 non-null float64
1998       187 non-null float64
1999       187 non-null float64
2000       187 non-null float64
2001       187 non-null float64
2002       186 non-null float64
2003       186 non-null float64
2004       186 non-null float64
2005       186 non-null float64
2006       186 non-null float64
2007       186 non-null float64
2008       186 non-null float64
2009       186 non-null float64
2010       183 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(16), object(1)
memory usage: 25.0+ KB
In [70]:
gov_share_health_spending = pd.read_csv('government_share_of_total_health_spending_percent.csv')
gov_share_health_spending = gov_share_health_spending.replace(0,

#no data before 1995
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 190 entries, 0 to 189
Data columns (total 17 columns):
country    190 non-null object
1995       187 non-null float64
1996       188 non-null float64
1997       188 non-null float64
1998       189 non-null float64
1999       189 non-null float64
2000       189 non-null float64
2001       189 non-null float64
2002       188 non-null float64
2003       188 non-null float64
2004       188 non-null float64
2005       188 non-null float64
2006       188 non-null float64
2007       188 non-null float64
2008       188 non-null float64
2009       188 non-null float64
2010       185 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(16), object(1)
memory usage: 25.3+ KB
In [71]:
total_fert = pd.read_csv('children_per_woman_total_fertility.csv')
total_fert = total_fert.replace(0,
total_fert[['country', '1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010']].info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 184 entries, 0 to 183
Data columns (total 6 columns):
country    184 non-null object
1990       184 non-null float64
1995       184 non-null float64
2000       184 non-null float64
2005       184 non-null float64
2010       184 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5), object(1)
memory usage: 8.7+ KB
In [72]:
median_age = pd.read_csv('median_age_years.csv')
median_age = median_age.replace(0,
median_age[['country', '1990', '1995', '2000', '2005', '2010']].info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 184 entries, 0 to 183
Data columns (total 6 columns):
country    184 non-null object
1990       184 non-null float64
1995       184 non-null float64
2000       184 non-null float64
2005       184 non-null float64
2010       184 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5), object(1)
memory usage: 8.7+ KB

Since for most counries the data for all variables in question are available only for several recent years, three dataframes were created as time slices - of 2000, 2005 and 2010, which allows not only to check for correlations, but also to estimate the dynamics over time in recent decades.

In [73]:
#Building dataframes

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

def create_df_for_year(year, mat_mort_df, att_births_df, health_spend_df, gov_share_df, total_fert_df, med_age_df):
    new_df = mat_mort_df[['country', 'eight_regions', '1995_income', year]]
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'mat_mort'}, inplace=True)
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, att_births_df[['country', year]], how = 'left', on='country')
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'att_births'}, inplace=True)
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, health_spend_df[['country', year]], how = 'left', on='country')
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'health_spend'}, inplace=True)
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, gov_share_df[['country', year]], how = 'left', on='country')
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'gov_share'}, inplace=True)
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, total_fert_df[['country', year]], how = 'left', on='country')
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'total_fert'}, inplace=True)
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, med_age_df[['country', year]], how = 'left', on='country')
    new_df.rename(columns={year: 'median_age'}, inplace=True)
    return new_df

df_2000 = create_df_for_year('2000', mat_mort_regions, attended_births, 
                             total_health_spending, gov_share_health_spending, total_fert, median_age)
mat_mort att_births health_spend gov_share total_fert median_age
count 180.000000 129.000000 175.000000 177.000000 180.000000 180.000000
mean 260.722222 79.775969 427.645943 54.822712 3.344944 25.195556
std 357.611163 27.366910 798.113980 20.307752 1.780011 7.827711
min 4.000000 5.600000 3.380000 1.140000 1.120000 14.800000
25% 24.000000 62.800000 24.800000 40.500000 1.770000 18.375000
50% 80.500000 96.600000 91.200000 53.900000 2.840000 22.700000
75% 400.000000 99.200000 333.500000 71.300000 4.550000 32.000000
max 2200.000000 100.000000 4700.000000 94.600000 7.680000 41.200000
In [74]:
df_2005 = create_df_for_year('2005', mat_mort_regions, attended_births, 
                             total_health_spending, gov_share_health_spending, total_fert, median_age)
mat_mort att_births health_spend gov_share total_fert median_age
count 180.000000 96.000000 174.000000 176.000000 180.000000 180.000000
mean 215.272222 89.066667 722.708103 55.881136 3.125667 26.368333
std 289.273118 21.068233 1341.835499 20.087731 1.668508 8.178282
min 2.000000 5.700000 5.140000 8.980000 1.170000 15.100000
25% 17.750000 91.475000 41.200000 41.625000 1.785000 19.250000
50% 69.500000 98.600000 173.500000 59.450000 2.585000 24.100000
75% 322.500000 99.700000 490.750000 72.225000 4.237500 34.075000
max 1600.000000 100.000000 6700.000000 94.100000 7.610000 43.000000
In [75]:
df_2010 = create_df_for_year('2010', mat_mort_regions, attended_births, 
                             total_health_spending, gov_share_health_spending, total_fert, median_age)
mat_mort att_births health_spend gov_share total_fert median_age
count 180.000000 105.000000 171.000000 173.000000 180.000000 180.000000
mean 180.094444 87.266667 997.726901 57.622543 2.985167 27.586111
std 239.007064 20.820467 1718.768996 19.491453 1.519855 8.494913
min 2.000000 16.600000 11.900000 10.000000 1.190000 15.000000
25% 17.500000 82.200000 71.150000 44.100000 1.810000 19.900000
50% 69.500000 98.500000 278.000000 59.500000 2.475000 25.900000
75% 252.500000 99.600000 889.000000 73.700000 4.042500 35.550000
max 1200.000000 100.000000 8360.000000 93.400000 7.490000 44.700000
In [76]:
df_2010.describe() - df_2000.describe()
mat_mort att_births health_spend gov_share total_fert median_age
count 0.000000 -24.000000 -4.000000 -4.000000 0.000000 0.000000
mean -80.627778 7.490698 570.080958 2.799831 -0.359778 2.390556
std -118.604099 -6.546443 920.655016 -0.816299 -0.260156 0.667203
min -2.000000 11.000000 8.520000 8.860000 0.070000 0.200000
25% -6.500000 19.400000 46.350000 3.600000 0.040000 1.525000
50% -11.000000 1.900000 186.800000 5.600000 -0.365000 3.200000
75% -147.500000 0.400000 555.500000 2.400000 -0.507500 3.550000
max -1000.000000 0.000000 3660.000000 -1.200000 -0.190000 3.500000

As we can see from summary statistics both mean and median of total fertility rate decreased in 2000-2010 together with maternal mortality, while the indices of health economy and median age grew. We can now use scatter plot to explore relations between maternal mortality and new variables.

Number of births attended by skilled health staff

In [77]:
df_list = [(df_2000, '2000'), (df_2005, '2005'), (df_2010, '2010')]
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='att_births', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Birth attended by skilled staff' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Attended births, %')
In [78]:
#correlation coefficients
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['mat_mort'].corr(df[0]['att_births']))
2000 -0.797122892083
2005 -0.791821815222
2010 -0.777595964211

Total health spending

In [79]:
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='health_spend', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Total health spending' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Health spending, USD')
In [80]:
#Changing the scale to logarithmic to check for linearity
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='health_spend', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Total health spending' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Health spending, USD')
In [81]:
#correlation coefficients
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['mat_mort'].corr(np.log(df[0]['health_spend'])))
2000 -0.664136542096
2005 -0.679928095944
2010 -0.71068339312

Goverment share of total health spending

In [82]:
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='gov_share', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Government share of health spending' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Government share, %')
In [83]:
#correlation coefficients
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['mat_mort'].corr(df[0]['gov_share']))
2000 -0.434547278283
2005 -0.42122301318
2010 -0.471472941356

Total fertility rate (babies per woman)

In [84]:
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='total_fert', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Total fertility rate' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Total fertility rate')
In [85]:
#correlation coefficients
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['mat_mort'].corr(df[0]['total_fert']))
2000 0.832762132538
2005 0.853082447384
2010 0.850798947618

Median age of the population

In [86]:
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='median_age', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Median Age' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Median age, years')
In [87]:
#Changing the scale to logarithmic to check for linearity
for df in df_list:
    plot = df[0].plot.scatter(x='mat_mort', y='median_age', 
                       title = 'Maternal mortality vs Median Age' + " in " + df[1])
    plot.set(xlabel = 'Maternal mortality', ylabel = 'Median age, years')
In [88]:
#correlation coefficients
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['mat_mort'].corr(df[0]['median_age'], method='kendall'))
2000 -0.708503777146
2005 -0.713105474963
2010 -0.709145962719

As can be seen from the charts and correlation coefficients above, there is a strong positive correlation between maternal mortality and total fertility rate (number of children per woman), and also a strong negative correlation between maternal mortality and number of births attended by skilled health staff. There is also negative correlation that tends to grow over time between maternal mortality and median age of the country population, though from scatter plot the relation appears to be non-linear. The non-linear relationship can also be seen between maternal mortality and total health spendings. The government share of health spending also shows moderate negative correlation with maternal mortality.
The significance of such relations remains to be estimated. However, possible interrelations between independent variables should also be considered. For example, the countries, where median age of the populaiton is higher, are typically also the developed countries that already went through the second demographic transition, thus having lower total fertility rate and higher health spendings in absolute numbers. We can see some support to this statement in the following correlation coefficients.

In [89]:
# Interrelations between independent variables

# median age vs total health spending
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['median_age'].corr(df[0]['health_spend'], method='kendall'))
2000 0.590960094961
2005 0.62545855883
2010 0.643350087982
In [90]:
# median age vs government share of health spending
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['median_age'].corr(df[0]['gov_share']))
2000 0.451683470869
2005 0.409939842691
2010 0.433654999958
In [91]:
# total fertility rate vs median age
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['total_fert'].corr(df[0]['median_age']))
2000 -0.852805755335
2005 -0.844956498076
2010 -0.853072569556
In [92]:
# total health spending vs number of birth attended by skilled health staff
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['health_spend'].corr(df[0]['att_births'], method='kendall'))
2000 0.523894167109
2005 0.428297523688
2010 0.438663543247
In [93]:
# government share vs number of birth attended by skilled health staff
for df in df_list:
    print(df[1], df[0]['gov_share'].corr(df[0]['att_births']))
2000 0.485948481998
2005 0.452824618241
2010 0.528761131139

Thus, median age of the population has rather strong correlation with total health spendings, especially in recent years, and moderate correlation with the government share of total health spending, while its correlation with total fertility rate is negative and strong. Also the number of births attended by skilled health staff has moderate positive correlation with both total health spending and its government share.


The exploratory analysis of the data set has shown that during 1980-2013 years maternal mortality in the world has decreased significantly. The distribution of observations, which remained positively skewed over years, became narrower and more concentrated below 100 cases per 100000 live births. The mean mortality ratio over the world dropped from 362.3 in 1980 to 162.8 in 2013 (or by 55.1%). The median decreased from 169.5 in 1980 to 64 in 2013 (by 62.2%, mostly during 1980-1990). The mean was decreasing gradually during the whole period in question, while the median dropped most significantly in 1980-1990.
The share of countries having maternal mortality ratios lower than world average remained at 67-68% in 1990-2013, and was only several percent lower in 1980 (63%). Meanwhile the number of countries with maternal mortality ratio lower than 100 increased from 37.8% in 1980 to 60% in 2013.
West Europe is the geographical leader in terms of lowest ratios, followed by East Europe, while Sub-Saharan Africa remained the example of the highest values, though its mean and medians decreased by 38% and 35% respectively during the period in question. The significant improvements can be seen in Asian regions (by about 80% for the means) and North Africa (by 78%).
Combining the economical and geographical characteristics we can conclude that sometimes geography may been considered the prevailing factor in the same income group. Thus the ratios in upper middle income east european countries are usually smaller than of high income countries in both Americas while upper middle income countries in Africa and South America still have much higher maternal mortality, though with a great decrease since 1980. Here the differences in healthcare systems of the countries and regions may have their impact. In general, both regional and income characteristics can't be implied on its own, but only as a reflection of the combinations of demographical, social and economical parameters developed in specific country groups over time.

Among other factors which may be considered of more direct influence on maternal mortality, the following were explored: the number of births attended by skilled health staff, total fertility rate (number of babies per woman) and median age of the population, total health spendings in US dollars and government share of health spendings as percentage. The EDA was limited to only three year - 2000, 2005 and 2010 - because of missing data.
A strong positive correlation can be seen between maternal mortality and total fertility rate and also a strong negative correlation between maternal mortality and number of births attended by skilled health staff. There is also negative correlation that tends to grow over time between maternal mortality and median age of the population, though from scatter plot the relation appears to be non-linear. The non-linear negative relationship can also be seen between maternal mortality and total health spending. The significance of the correlation coefficients remains to be estimated. Also the interrelations between independent variables should be taken into account in further analysis and modelling.